NY home cookin' – Guanciale, Lobster, Squid ink + steakkkk
America! the writing is on the wall
America! the writing is on the wall
Long post, good read. http://project62.blogspot.com/2012/03/lessons-from-almost-dying-free-diving.html
Things have gotten busy. No I haven’t become a non-bachelor ;). HAHAahaha. I have a few things I want to write about but haven’t had the time, but now that I’m home for a few days I will cover: Friend’s Bachelor party.
Menu + wine pairing; the amuse and there will be a platter of crudo per table.
So I got an email: Hi Erik, Sorry to bother you. I wanna pick your brain. If you had to bring something for a pot luck what are the top 5 things/ dishes (appies can be included) you would make? 🙂 I had to ask. Thanks in advance. Short version: Dear —–, I don’t …
tiger grouper – steamed – Lei Yue Mun, Hong Kong. A recipe everyone knows, but they do it right…
wild boar legs and shoulders marinating in wine & aromatics & herbs There’s a few principles that I use whether in a duck ragu, a wild boar ragu, or oxtail vaccinara. 1) I like to use the best quality meat in my ragus (all of my dishes, really). I see chefs doing expensive pop ups …
I’m pretty blessed to be part of this crew, (read part 1 here) and to be helping this amazing organization St. Vincent Meals on Wheels. http://stvincentmow.org/ Voltaggio won top chef season 6. Ray Garcia won the Cochon competition for pig. Neal Fraser is an LA Standout chef. All the others are legit with some of …
This is the only thing I captured – a picture of my friend in the back of my truck. the beautiful mountainside, and a lone almond tree.
Roasted a boar. Check it OUT! Friend is a sommelier and a wine rep!! Link to the story HERE: http://italianwinegeek.com/2013/08/02/a-beautiful-beast-pursuitoffood/
HELLLLLLLLLLLO. We all love food but we don’t all love seeing blood. Gonna keep it real. Animals + meat + eating = bloodshed. Very proud moment, 3 wild boars ranging from 135 pounds to 350 pounds. Gave them my POF business card.
^that is a cup on the custom label on the custom bottle. It is supposed to provide the perfect mouthful of wine. January 2012 There are some places you go for the view, the romanticism of the view, the birds and butterflies and listening to the chirps and flutters in solace. Or with someone. Well …