Things I want to write about and some food feedback.


Things have gotten busy.  No I haven’t become a non-bachelor ;).


I have a few things I want to write about but haven’t had the time, but now that I’m home for a few days I will cover:

Friend’s Bachelor party.

Chicago Wedding.


San Francisco wedding and the preparation that goes into it including sourcing and traveling.

San Francisco eating.

Totoraku eating.

cooking for a private lunch Tuesday.

Partner / Republique dinner Tuesday.

Killing a wild boar Wednesday.

opening Republique this friday.

friend yuri’s dirty thirty weekend of eating.

planning my director’s wedding reception in december.



from a private lunch, the people were so nice. it was 6 lovely Korean ladies but man could they eat!!! It was awesome.  I thought I was serving a lot of food but they kept eating, so I kept cooking!!!



photo (16)from the wedding bride, asking us to get a drink!!! She was very awesome.  It’s nice to get feedback on your craft, whether good or bad, but always the good keeps you in line on the right path.  I will write more in depth about the food, the traveling crew, sourcing food and staff in off-site location.  But for now I am happy that the people who had important days: WEDDING & a birthday were happy with the food!!!




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