Russian Boar Hunt

will do  ^ Every so often you have to make that important phone call early Monday morning. Erez: HhhhhhALLLO?? Me: Erez, let’s go hunting. Erez(the Israeli about to turn 50 curly haired dude with 3 girls, a great family, and has hunted since a boy in Israel): ahhhhhhhhhhh, no my friend. My girl was sick last night …

I go hungry

at 6:30PM, I decided my dinner was still waiting for me in the ocean. It wasn’t the best conditions.  I didn’t see any flashlights in the water from the cliff above.  There were no other cars along four miles of coastline.  There wasn’t a sound, except the waves crashing below on the rocky shoreline, and …

Pho My Life…

It was crazy this weekend. With everything that was going on.  And to drive through something like this coming home.  It just put things over the top – the weather…made me think about LIFE…  You know. Pensive.  Like, g*damn, it’s SNOWING!…I could really go for some PHO right now! (That’s vietnamese beef noodle soup)  Yeah, …

Pictures & Words

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. But sometimes when I don’t have time for the camera, I still succumb to the beauty of nature, and just – Sit there. Lie there. or Stand there.  And in those moments, I feel a feeling so strong that even with my eyes closed – …

Fish are Food

The whole point of my getting fish is to use it in freshness and in health.  Vows of importance: do not freeze fish.  #fishsnobbery Here are some of the dishes made in the past 2 days alone. applewood smoked bacon fish chowder (sheepshead meat). Cause you gotta have soup! even though it’s 80 degrees outside in the wintertime… …

Fishes for Grandpa

My good friend Keith said that he spent a half hour the other day watching my Youtube spearfishing videos, “back when [I] used to be good.”  I’m old. Washed up…slow reaction time now.  I felt I was being axed like Kobe Bryant.  It’s true and I deserved that fire to be lit under my arse …