Cooking = Product + Technique + Temperature + Timing

Cooking to me is the sum of: Product + Technique + Temperature + Timing Thai food in Thailand… they have great product! Amazing seafood – as good as Hong Kong, with tons of layers of flavors. Hong Kong has excellent seafood! Cooked in more subtle ways.  The difference between an amazing steamed fish and a good …

Mortar and Pestle

Someone should make a mainstream automatic(electric/solar/gas) mortar and pestle. Because the flavor of ingredients pounded and mashed into each other is better than blended.  Sadly in countries that mortar and pestle is widely used, human labor is probably cheaper than electricity…      

HK / Thailand / Taiwan

I just got back from Hong Kong, Thailand, Taiwan, and then back to Hong Kong, and will update some food and pictures 🙂   On a random note, Trying to make reservations at restaurants that only accept reservations “1 month from today” is ridiculously dumb. Some shrimp grilling in Bangkok’s Chinatown.  #extebarri    


      Rene, this is how I’ll remember you.  happy. humble. beloved in our community a true icon in spearfishing. We miss you already and our hearts ache you are no longer here to share your endless wisdom, humility, and gentle spirit. It was a true blessing to know you, What a beautiful human …

Single best thing I had in Japan

this awesome. awesome. melon.  At a two michelin star tempura restaurant.  So juicy.  So much flavor.  It was glistening with its own juice.  I believe these melons cost 50-100 dollars each. Controversial? Maybe.  But great product needs little done to it.  Nature has already done its job.  


If you cook protein, Know that some animal died for the dish!  I have been to way too many restaurants that keep fucking up the meat and seafood dishes.  Please, have some respect and MAKE IT NICE


For lobster, Sea urchin, and Abalone, i’ve never had anything in a sushi restaurant (japan, US, elsewhere) that is anywhere nearly in the stratosphere of what was hand-caught. There are secondary and tertiary levels that you would never taste if you bought it from a market. the lobster in a tank starts eating its own …

pictures from Saison

the best part about this meal was the service and the wine pairing.  the somms ask you what you like and you basically get to drink that juice lol.  I told them Cornas and CDP was the mood.