The Making of LARDO from a Pig Hunt (part 1)

WARNING?  (Graphic pictures) You don’t need a warning. You already know what this blog is about.  Two cups of coffee, Nine shots of espresso, a six-pack of celebratory beer at 2pm, and now my 4th glass of (box) wine at 3am, I’m finally ready to write, so here goes… The duck legs that were rubbed in a special …

First Hunt

picture above: Rams hillside in the morning My parents aren’t hunters. My Grandparents aren’t hunters.  Even my GREAT grandparents weren’t hunters.  But somewhere along the line, maybe two-THOUSAND years ago, my ancestahs was hunters.  That’s a FACT!  Either that, or I was adopted. My dad went to MIT – then Harvard, my Brother – Yale, …

Best pictures 2011

I’m not sure who took this but it’s beautiful. The girl had just gotten pepper-sprayed in a riot and her bf came to the rescue.  If it were me, I might bust out my bow. or nunchucks. Pursuit of Love. That’s what it’s all about. black suit. white shirt. black man, white rotting cow. iPad. …

About Me

Hunting comes very naturally to me.  As distinct from easy.  Hunting is not easy nor is spearfishing.   But my drive for it and my affinity toward it makes me believe this is my purpose here.  Sometimes, I feel like a Native American because I prefer bows to guns and a number of tribes sported …

I'm ready

the Challenge! The attempt to let the animals be truly free range and argue and fight for the best life possible.  Hopefully through the sharing of what is possible we may be able to show what is the most humane.  Hey, these animals have the best life and then one bad day! Here are my …

Winter Challenge

The challenge of hunting is having a gazillion variables thrown at you like little knives, and you’ve not only got to dodge them but pick them up from out behind you and use them or throw them back in a more effective manner. You are still alive, aren’t you?  Whether that thing thrown at you …

Pursuit of Dreams

The other day one of my best friends sent this picture to me and said, “Esun, I know you aren’t looking at the car. You’re probably looking at all the trees and the snow and probably thinking what a great hunting spot it would be. lolz.” It’s true. Listening to a solemn song Adagio for Strings by …

Kali Dining Kitchen

Chef Kevin Meehan (winner of 2011 Food Network’s Extreme Chef competition) messaged me this morning to come by Kali Dining  kitchen and see what we could do to put wild seafood and game on the menu.  The intimate, 8 person a night dinner takes place in his recently renovated garage-to-one-table restaurant in Culver City, California, a stone’s throw away from …