I fucking love Soup.


It’s cold as F here now.  Super windy.  My balcony’s plants are getting tore up by the wind.  I lost my wallet this past week, chasing a turkey around the neighborhood lol.  Lost my credit cards, debit cards, insurance cards, and like… 60o bucks.

I had to cancel a trip to Montana because I had no form of Identification. No passport… no drivers license.

Really fucking sucked!  Didn’t fill my elk tag this year… but there’s next year.

So instead what makes everyone feel better? Fresh chicken broth.  So warming. So Homey.  So damn good.  Everyone should have a tasty stock on hand.  Actually its not a stock it’s a soup. It’s not a building block it’s basically a complete product.

Used a fresh free range chicken for the broth. ginger. cardamom. lemongrass. fish sauce. cloves, star anise. onion.  Omitted the head…


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