My Toolbox to catch dinner

Welcome to my toolbox 10.1.2012, in pictures

These are some of the tools I use to catch, then cut up my dinner.  Sumora is my Spearfishing company.


Sumora Stealth Spearguns (great for hunting reef fish)

Sumora Apex Spearguns (designed for bigger fish) (roughly 5 pounds)

We teamed with 11x National Champion Tommy Botha to build us a Tuna gun, 72″ long, over 15 pounds

Benelli Supernova pump shotgun 12 gauge, camouflage.  I know you can’t see it, but try.

Smith and Wesson iBolt 30-06 bolt action rifle, Nikon monarch scope

bullet control

Oyster knife, Benchmade pocket knife, Henckels cleaver, MAC Yanagiba, MAC Chefs knife, Moritaka Deba, Moritaka Gyuto 270mm, Kabar Kukri

Browning BAR Mark II, Harris BiPod, Trijicon Accupoint scope

Bowtech Patriot compound bow, 70 pound draw

Redfield 10×42 magnification binoculars

Remington 870 20gauge shotgun


gloves keep you warm

From the Moritaka

G5 Broadhead

30-06 Remington Core-Lokt bullet

Allen Broadhead

The coolest shotgun shell (00 buckshot)

Full Album and FOOD on my facebook page!

LIKE it – if you LIKE…  LOVE  OBSESS OVER/ WOULD KILL FOR Food !!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

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