Deer and Elk hunting continued…

The second and third days of hunting Montana were also a trip.  A trip in the sense of – long journey, but also trippy seeing so many “signs” (footprints, SHIT, and musky smells), and not seeing any animals.  You see, I thought that elk hunting in Montana (and deer hunting) were a given.  But, a lot of the access points are so readily available that as the season gets deeper (4 week season from late October to late November), the deer and elk seem to go further and further into the forest.  And the window for opportunity is quite short – the elk and deer move mainly in the early morning, and at dusk.  You may have 2 hours in the morning to hunt and 30 minute window at night.


As we progressed, the 2nd day we saw more and more poop. the third day we hunted some ducks in the morning, caught some rainbow and brown trout in the afternoon, and saw a glimpse of a few deer that spooked in the afternoon.  The elusive deer and elk were beginning to show themselves…


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